What is MyCAA Scholarship

As a military spouse, the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship (MyCAA) is open to spouses of active-duty service members in pay grades E-1 to E-5, W-1 to W-2 and O-1 to O-2. If you’ve successfully completed high school and have the ability to request tuition assistance while your military sponsor is on Title 10 military orders, you qualify.

Sponsored by the Department of Defense, the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship is a workforce development program that provides eligible military spouses with up to $4,000 in financial assistance for licenses, certifications or national tests to pursue an occupation or career field.

Altrain Assisting Academy certification programs qualify for MyCAA funding. If you find that a program isn’t approved, you can always submit your preference for approval.

There are a few misconceptions about MyCAA that should be dispelled.

Since MyCAA is an entitlement program, you’re not competing with others to receive funding. So, all you have to worry about is eligibility requirements but if you’re married to an active duty service member on Title 10 military order, it’s likely you qualify. There are a few scenarios where you may not qualify:

  • You’re married but legally separated
  • You’re a spouse of Coast Guard service members
  •  You’re a member of the armed forces, too
  • You’re a spouse of a National Guard/Reserve Component service member in a Warning Order/Alert, Post Deployment/Demobilization, or Transition status

So, it’s likely that you qualify.

You may be thinking that there will be a lot of “red tape” you’ll have to get through to receive the benefit. Compared to other grants and scholarships, it’s not that bad.

Like other programs, you’ll have to go through the application process. Compared to other applications, MyCAA is pretty easy. Military OneSource is the entity that handles the applications, and they claim that it only take two weeks to review and approve your application.

So, if you have concerns about complicated government application processes, you shouldn’t. Just set up an account, create an education plan and apply for the financial aid once your education plan has been approved.

Life events can get in the way of a well laid plan for a new career. Even if you accept funding, and don’t follow through, you won’t have to pay the money back. However, they will freeze funding if you drop out of a course or program or fail the course or program. Even then, you would need to speak to a program counselor to continue your career path.

Altrain Assisting Academy offers additional military scholarships up to $1,500 for those who qualify.

It’s simple to get started. MyCAA funds can help you get on the path of a prosperous career. Let’s talk about how we can help you get started.

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